Triple Audio is going to install two new radio studios (including controlrooms) and all other broadcast related audio, atthe new location of the school of journalism.
In this project Triple Audio works in close cooperation withDMS,the party that takes care of the visual facilities. Triple Audio will provide the TV studio's and accompanying control room with all the necessary audio equipment just like the study area, the voiceover and edit rooms.
AoIP forms the basis for allaudio in this project, which means that all the audio will be intergrated in one Livewire+ network. With Livewire+ AES67, a single Ethernet cable carries real-time uncompressed digital audio, device control messages, program associated data, and even routine network traffic. An entire facility can be wired in hours, instead of weeks.Expanding or modifying your system is simple thanks to the inherent scalability and modularity of Livewire+ AES67. Which makes it possible to connect audio equipment to the network in every classroom. The audio in the studios and eddits (green color) will be installed by Triple Audio.