Friday, April 23, 2021
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Virtual audio processing for FunX

In December 2020 we told you about the new audio matrix for FunX, but that was not the end. Lately FunX switched to Omnia Enterprise 9s. Jeroen Leering, Chief Technician at FunX, and Rob Scholtes, Managing Technician at Funx, tell us ‘With the Omnia Enterprise 9s our audio processing is ready for the future.’

Perfect sound with FunX

The old Orban 8200 audio processor was ready for a much-needed upgrade. The Omnia.9 was going to be its successor, until the Omnia Enterprise 9s was presented to Jeroen and Rob.  ‘In fact, this was the perfect solution for us, it matches the direction we’re going; in the future we will work towards more virtual and Audio over IP(AoIP).’ – Jeroen

The Enterprise 9s is the newest product of Omnia and is an all-in-one audio processor. The Omnia Enterprise 9s is software-based and can be scaled with licenses. This way multiple (temporary) processing instances can be running on one system. 

Perfect sound
The Omnia.9 already introduced us to unmatched possibilities and characteristic features in audio processing. Those are also available in the Omnia Enterprise 9s. Features like Undo, inclusive declipper, 3 wideband AGC’s. multiband AGC/limiters and the final limiter make it possible to create the perfect sound for every station. 

‘In all respects the sound is better than with the 8200 in combination with the O9sg. Especially the low has become better and the high also keeps up.’- Rob

With the factory presets, or just like Rob from “scratch”, you can create the wanted result. The unique combination with the Omnia.9sg makes a loud and Dynamix FM-signal with an own sound. Curious how that sounds? Listen to the stream of FunX where the processing is used or listen to the FM. You can find FunX on 96.1 in Amsterdam and Utrecht, 91.8 in Rotterdam and 98.4MHz in The Hague.  

Ultimate broadcast computer from DellBroadcast computer from Dell

Ultimate broadcast computer 
To use the Omnia Enterprise 9s you can choose to run it in the cloud, on a server or on a broadcast computer on-prem. For FunX the last option was the most logical, they like to keep everything local and have their own server rooms. 

Triple audio is proud partner of Dell and together the perfect broadcast computer was composed for FunX. The customized computer is optimized for 24/7/365 usage. For example, it won’t start updating while you are in the middle of a show. We like to help you think of what the ideal broadcast computer needs to have in store for you. 

This broadcast computer is the only piece of hardware FunX needed to make the switch to the Omnia Enterprise 9s, therefore the installation was very quick. ‘It contained connecting the broadcast computer, a few clicks to activate the software and we were online.’ – Rob

As mentioned before the Omnia Enterprise 9s is virtual, this means that everywhere you have access to internet you can use the software via an HTTP-based API. This is corresponding with the trend Telos Alliance is following, more and more of their products are being presented virtually. 

Rob notes that the switch to the Omnia Enterprise 9s has been a big one for FunX but they only have profit from doing it. With the changes it has become easier to build in a back-up function and there are much less cables and hardware needed. Software doesn’t rust and is therefore more future-proof with low maintenance costs. The enthusiasm and knowledge of the Triple Audio Engineers has convinced FunX that the Omnia Enterprise 9s was the best choice for them. 

Interface of the Omnia Enterprise 9s

An MPX-encoder is built in the Omnia Enterprise 9s. This means that the audio processing, stereo- and RDS-encoding take place within the product and afterwards can be divided over IP to multiple locations. You don’t need an extra stereo-encoder, RDS-encoder or audio processor in the distribution network anymore, this results in savings on equipment, space and energy. 

The transport from the MPX-signal to the FM transmitter is easily done with µMPX. The built-in µMPX-codec makes it possible to send the complete MPX-signal, RDS and pilot-tone included, over the internet with just 320KBps. At the FM transmitter the signal is easy and fast converted by de Omnia MPX node. 

Scheme of situation at FunX

Above you see how the audio processing is going at FunX.

Both the audio signals in as out an Omnia Enterprise 9s are fully based on Audio over IP. Livewire+/AES67, SMPTE ST2110-30 and SMOTE ST2022-7 for redundant stream transport are supported.

To sum up, with the Omnia Enterprise 9s you get a virtual audio processor that can be adjusted to your needs. With this virtual appliance you save on hardware, space and energy and you are future-proof. 

Are you just as enthusiastic as Jeroen and Rob from FunX? The Triple Audio engineers are happy to help you with your challenges. Get in touch with us through the form below. 

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