Tuesday, January 28, 2020
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The north sounds better!

The north of the Netherlands sounds better! Broadcasters such as Omrop Fryslân, RTV Noord, OOG Radio, Radio Centraal and LEO M middelé have a clear, loud and distinctive sound. All this is achieved with the Omnia Transmission Line processors! Martin Wijbenga is processing specialist and supplied the Omnia processors including configuration.

Max Pandini, Omnia transmission line processing expert at The Telos Alliance, together with Martin Wijbenga, visited two broadcasters in the north of the Netherlands in the past weeks: Radio Centraal and OOGRadio. The purpose of these visits was clear: to get the most out of the sound of these stations.

First of all it was Radio Centraal's turn. Max and Martin used the Omnia µMPX Standalone Software. Radio Centraal'sOmnia VOLT is located directly on the transmitter thanks to this smart software. The Omnia VOLT is able to keep up with the big national stations when it comes to loudness, openness and sound,' says Martin. So with Omnia you get to go with the big players, but for a fraction of the price. After Radio Centraal it was OOGRadio's turn. This broadcaster also uses the Omnia VOLT, this time in combination with the Omnia 9.SG. A great combi', according to Martin.

Omnia µMPX Standalone Software  Omnia SSTOmnia 9.SG (b) en Omnia VOLT (o)

OOG Radio, Omnia 9.SG Omnia VOLT
Evert Janse from OOG Radio talks about the experience with 'his' Omnia's. OOG Radio has been working hard in recent years to improve the FM range; new transmitters, new antennas and more power,' says Evert. By also using Omnia processors, not only has the range increased, but the quality of the sound has improved. At the beginning of 2019, OOG Radio brought the Omnia 9.SG into use. Evert: 'This immediately gave a better sound, the radio sound became louder and cleaner! At the end of 2019 the VOLT was added: 'OOG Radio took another step', says Evert, 'the combination volt and 9SG sounds great! The signal is loud without irritating'.

No one compares
Radio Centraal and OOGRadio are, as you can read before, not the only two stations in the north of the Netherlands where Omnia is popular. RTV Noord, LEO Middelé and Omrop Fryslan all sound loud, clean and without distortion. The sound is comparable to what they used to have, but now it's better: the music and information comes across better to the listeners,' says Martin Wijbenga. But, one Omnia is not the other. The different broadcasters have different needs. RTV Noord and Omrop Fryslân choose the Omnia 9.SG, Omrop Fryslân uses it in combination with theOmnia 11. OOG Radio and Radio Centraal go for the Omnia VOLT, where OOG Radio combines it with the Omnia 9.SG. LEO M middelé changes tack and chooses the Omnia SST.

RTV Noord Omnia 9.SG
Tim de Vrij of RTV Noord talks about the choice for the Omnia 9.SG. RTV Noord is continuously looking at how we can optimize our audio processing. We had already heard that Omrop Fryslan and OOG Radio were very satisfied with the Omnia 9SG. We then arranged a demo via Martin Wijbenga in which we could compare our current processing 1 on 1 with the Omnia 9SG and were very satisfied. We heard a big difference between the Orban 5518 and Omnia 9SG'. RTV Noord has been using the Omnia 9.SG for about six months now, Tim: 'We are very satisfied. The sound has become much louder, cleaner and more open without falling outside the Stokkem mask!'.RTV Noord Omnia 9.SG

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