Monday, March 15, 2021
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L1 choses Telos

Since half a year L1, the local radio station of Limburg, uses the Telos Z/OPStream R/2 with 3 band Omnia Processing.

You can’t go without the Telos Z/IPStream R/2 in your studio. This product makes sure the head and sub channels are streamed and processed for the web stream. For L1 this is the solution to play multiple streams. ‘We were looking for a device that has it all, this is the one.’

studio L1

Plug and play
At first L1 used multiple devices to make the web streams accessible, the Telos Z/IPStream R/2 is everything in one. A Windows computer for example is not needed anymore. This made the process more easier and maintenance friendly. In addition, the product is very easy to install; real plug and play, fill in your credentials and go with the flow!

L1 is very happy with the new system. At first, they encountered dropped out streams, now they haven’t received calls about streams that are not functioning. In addition, now there are no more cables necessary except from a network cable, everything is transmitted via Audio over IP. This is a huge contrast to the big bundles of cables that were connected in the past. It is possible to connect the Telos Z/IPStream R/2 directly to Triton Digital.

Are you now interested in the possibilities of the Telos Z/IPStreamR/2, we get that! Get in touch via the form below, together we explore the possibilities for your company.

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