Wednesday, October 17, 2018
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'It doesn't feel like school!'

Triple Audio did a gigantic project for de University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. The radio studio’s, tv-control room and several edit rooms are in use by Journalism students for a few weeks now. We were wondering how the students like the new ‘Media Technologisch Omgeving’. Anne (21) and Danny (22) are going to tell us!

‘Guys, you have to see this!’
‘Did the old studio’s really need a upgrade?’, was my first question. Danny already started laughing when I didn’t even finish my question. He spend a lot of time in the old studio’s: ‘This is my third year of the study Journalism, I made several broadcasts. The old studios were cosy and had a nice athmosphere,’ Danny tells, ‘but an upgrade was really necessary. The studios were dark and the fact that we used the same chairs as the students in classrooms and the fact that the equipment we used wasn’t used in the workfield, tells enough I think.’

Anne tells about her first experience in the new studio’s: ‘When I first walked into the new radio studio my mouth dropped open. I sent some pictures to my classmates immediately and told them ‘Guys, you have to see this! We are going to work here!’. Items Anne and her classmates produce are news- and talkshowitems.

Danny in the new AoIP radiostudio at University of Applied SciencesAnne in the new AoIP radiostudio at University of Applied Sciences

‘The old radio studios were traditional. It means that the technician and you were doing your own thing’, Danny tells. ‘Nowadays, employers in our workfield expect you to know technical stuff. Teachers couldn’t learn us those thing in the previous studios.’ I asked Anne and Danny if these new studios are going to help them when they are going to search for a job and they both agree: ‘honestly, I think we are ahead of other students’ says Anne.

Danny tells me there’s another big advantage about the new Media Technologic Environment: the appearance. ‘It isn’t just professional and modern equipment, it also looks professional and modern’, Anne tells, ‘this is what you see on the television. The lightning, all the adjustable-in-height furniture: it doesn’t feel like school.’

The integration with the rest of the audio in the building of University of Applied Sciences Utrecht is also new. When there’s a live tv- or radioshow, it’s possible to show these broadcasts in the whole building. ‘This wasn’t possible in our previous building, and now it’s the standard!’

The TV direction at University of Applied SciencesThe new radio studio with ChronoFlex Broadcast

ChronoFlex: exclusively by Centre of Communication and Journalism (for now)
A scoop for the Media Technologic Environment is the ChronoFlex. This unique product (for now!) is an important assistant during live broadcasts. But what does it do exactly?

Ronald Broekhuizen, instructor audiotechnic at University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, tells about the wishlist they had for their new studios. ‘We really wanted a few broadcastclocks, that way you can see how long the broadcast will be. Besides that, we wanted some kind of clock for the director which could be set by him or her. It’s also important to see when the studio is live or when the microphone is on, for example through light. Triple Audio told us they had something like that in development: ChronoFlex. These clock shows us everything we need when we make a broadcast. I really recommend ChronoFlex!’

ChronoFlex has been used by students for a few weeks now, what do they think of this new product? Anne tells me she didn’t know she was missing something like ChronoFlex: ‘Normally, the floormanager just shouts how much time there’s left. That’s really annoying if you think about it. It’s convenient that you (as a presentator) can see the time, how much time you have left and if there’s any equipment left. I recommend the ChronoFlex to everyone!'

Do you want more information about ChronoFlex? Triple Audio has four types:

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